Sunday, February 11, 2007

Travels and Festivities

It's been a long while since I last dusted this blog. Been pretty busy these days and also spending more time out with my buddies. There's been alot of big festivities over the past few months what with X'mas, New Year and the upcoming Lunar New Year. Hrmm…I think I am spending more time living a hopefully interesting life than talking about it. Not that it's really that much more interesting. As with festivities and the upcoming Valentine's day, I've been feeling a bout of loneliness. I've also been drinking more. Spending more time at pubs in Boat Quay, clubs like Zouk, St James etc. I think I am trying to hope that by going out more, I will give myself more opportunities to know more friends and hopefully a potential gf? Deep inside, I guess we know that this is not the right way to go about it but sometimes we tend to deceive ourselves.

On the other point of the entry, I've been travelling more lately. Just came back from Bangkok and will be going to Tokyo for business trip. I kind of like going on biz trips nowadays. Not only do I get to getaway for a while, the allowances are good. It helps me do some savings. I realised that when you earn more, you spend more and I really have to start saving more money for the future. Despite having worked for 8 years, my savings are pathetic. Over the years, the spendings on my car as well as losses in the stock market had pretty much burnt off all my saving. Hopefully within these 2 years, I'll be able to save up more for my goals.

Ok, strangely not really in a deep thoughtful reflective mood to write much. Till the next time then. Good night Singapore.