Monday, January 28, 2008

The Ugly Netizen

Here are some reasons why one should minimise associating with people on the web:

1) They carry a lot of emotional baggage. Be it coming from a family with single parenthood, low self esteem, emotional upheavals and such. So they tend to be either be overly weary of most people or they are too trusting to some classes of people whom they lacked in life.

2) They are deadly gossip mongers. Now with the advancement of communication, you can basically hear one rumour from one person and disseminate that to 100 well-connected others in a matter of seconds. Most lack the judgement of validating the rumours prefering to extrapolate the hearings. It's kind of like that childhood game we used to play when a group of kids would pass on a message from one person to another and see what we will get at the end. Each re-telling gets more fantastic than the previous one. And that's the word to use, Fantastic. It's like fantasy, not real but exciting enough to get the other person interested in giving their attention to you.

3) Yes, and most of the time they tend to be ugly as well.
4) There's still more but I lack the interest of continuing.

Good night Singapore.