Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A hard beginning maketh a good ending.

Tonight's going to be New Year's Eve. Alas, one year has come and gone in a flash. It was an especially hard year for me. This year, I failed to achieve a lot of my goals.

Career wise I would consider it a downhill phase. Having wanted to do sales, I moved into a more sales and business development role but that didn't go well and I find myself having to deal with many hurdles and stumbling blocks. At the end of it, the company even reorganised with me ending up in a back seat role which is not what I want. Trying to look for other opportunities also came up empty handed.

Finance wise was even worst. Bad investments caused the bulk of my savings being stuck in stocks and wild dreams of buying a house came to naught. I am left at my poorest state and even had to sell off my car at a tremendous lost. Without a car will certainly be a challenge for me having driven for years. I guess this might serve as a reminder for me to not bite off more than I can chew.

Perhaps something to take heart in is the fact that my girlfriend has stuck by me and willing to walk the future with me in such grim circumstances. The guilt hanging on me for all the wrong I've done her in the past becomes even more heavier. The fact that no one but myself bears the knowledge and burden does not lessen the guilt. I just hope to make up to her in the future.

I believe in the new society, more and more people have these schizo issues whereby they have both good and bad personalities and that caused them to do both good and bad actions. It's is not easy for me to be wholly good and I try not to be wholly bad. I have come to accept this but balancing it is the hardest thing to do.

Enough of these negativity. It was indeed an exceptionally hard year for me and I am going into the new year with a hard beginning. Let's just hope and strive towards achieving a better year ahead and a good ending. Here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year and hope that you all can find peace in everything you do. Good night Singapore.