Monday, July 17, 2006


Hrmm…haven't been writing much lately. Could be because there's nothing really significant happening to my life or just that I've been lazy. Now, the only thing I seem to be excited about is shopping for a new job lately. I've been rather upset with my current one and I'm sort of looking out for one. Basically, what this means is to let your interests be known in the field and let the headhunters hunt. So far, I've been approached by a few headhunters but the progress seems dreadfully slow. Part of the reason seems to be due to the unavailability of the employers due to scheduling.

Interestingly enough, my colleagues and I engaged in a conversation circling resumes. The reason being that one of my colleagues has successfully been hunted and will soon be parting ways. Now, we were talking about how some people will make their resumes look much more impressive than they really are and basically how to get away with it. We concluded that in order to do so, you must be interviewed by people who are not in this region. Now, most of my peers are in charge of regional work so normally we work with people from different countries. As the world is kind of big, this gives the person abit of advantage in exaggerating their accomplishments. Of course, there's also a risk involve as you'll never know who knows who in this world as well. We've all heard of the six degrees of seperation yah. But over the years, I've constantly come across people whom I've been amazed at what they put into their resumes. "Instrumental in the sale of…", "Achieve 120% target of…", "In charge of closing a multi-million dollar deal…" etc. I've known these people personally and they sure as hell ain't any of those.

Oh well, not sure I can lie through my teeth like them but please wish me luck in leaving this place soon. Good night Singapore.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My Best Friend’s Wedding?

Highlights of the weekend was that I attended my Best Friend's wedding on Sunday. Now, I had also kind of went to join in for the jie-mei vs shiong-di battle in the morning. I was the bride's friend so I was actually on the other side of the gate. After the whole affair and when we finally reached the couple's house, they gathered for a group shot and I was never asked to join in for the shot nor to take any shots. This was then did I realised that I was neither part of the jie-meis nor the shiong-dis. I guess it was then did I suddenly felt very left out and started to ponder why I was really there. Was I really the bride's Best Friend? Or was I just there because I asked the bride whether she needed any help and she felt obligated to ask me along? I guess some people would have said that I am too sensitive. She's probably too busy and it WAS her big day afterall so she might have forgotten about you. But I've always felt that I am very good at reading signals and I have a feeling that I might just be right.

It kind of got worst during the night time when I attended their wedding dinner. I suddenly realised that I was given a seat with all strangers and at the way back of the dinner hall! Now, I do know some of their common friends and I have to say, I was very disappointed in the arrangement. Was this how a close friend is to be treated? Sigh… suffice to say, it was not a very enjoyable dinner and I had to make an excuse and left early. It is times like this that sometimes I really feel I might have expected too much and presumed too much of some of the friendships I have. Maybe we were never really close.

Anyway, I tried my hand at a close up shot of her face during the morning reception. Looking at it now, it's leaves kind of a cold impression. That seems to suit how my heart is feeling now. Good night Singapore.

Friday, July 7, 2006

Mr Brown’s Suspension

Now guess those whose been in the know for stuff that happens on the net would know that the popular blogger Mr Brown has been given the red card and suspended from duties due to an article he wrote in Today. I have always admired Mr Brown as a mature blogger who gives us information in a tongue in cheek manner that is both informative and easy to be absorbed by the common man. I guess this is probably why he is being seen as a threat maybe.

I have to agree with the comment made by Reporters without Boundaries that in some cases, journalist ought to be able to make certain views. There is always a fine line between partisan reporting and accurate reporting. Who can say that during the Iraq or Afghan wars that the US media did not add abit of Americanism into their reports? Now is this right or wrong? I think as with everything in life, it's usually does the cause justify the means. If enough people deems it to be alright, then it's alright. History has taught us time and again that it's always about what is the perceive truth that matters rather than the real truth. Now, this may sound jaded but I think it's the truth (haha… funny the way this sounds). Unfortunately, herein lies the crux, does MICA and SPH want to control the perceive truth? As our circulated media is monopolised, there's probably no other way the common man will be informed en masse about what's alright to do and what's not. We have not reached a critical mass yet in the circulation of information through other means such as the Internet to allow the common man an alternative avenue for information. So now that MICA has instrumented the removal of someone who speaks probably the minds of many, there's little chance of the masses to learn of an alternative view.

I realised what I've just written has became a jabble of words and thought and is probably hard to understand. Too many things in my mind from too many angles. Oh well, shan't bother to rewrite it since no one but myself whose going to read it. Anyway, end of the day, I do hope he gets off alright with this whole fiasco. He seems like a decent enough guy. A man who loves his family and just wants to provide for them. Good night Singapore.

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

World Cup semis

Back from Bangkok. Now watching the semis between Germany and Italy. I guess it'll be another tie game and penalty shootout from the looks of it. Will blog more when I am in the mood. Now I'm kind of rumbling. Good night Singapore.