Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My Best Friend’s Wedding?

Highlights of the weekend was that I attended my Best Friend's wedding on Sunday. Now, I had also kind of went to join in for the jie-mei vs shiong-di battle in the morning. I was the bride's friend so I was actually on the other side of the gate. After the whole affair and when we finally reached the couple's house, they gathered for a group shot and I was never asked to join in for the shot nor to take any shots. This was then did I realised that I was neither part of the jie-meis nor the shiong-dis. I guess it was then did I suddenly felt very left out and started to ponder why I was really there. Was I really the bride's Best Friend? Or was I just there because I asked the bride whether she needed any help and she felt obligated to ask me along? I guess some people would have said that I am too sensitive. She's probably too busy and it WAS her big day afterall so she might have forgotten about you. But I've always felt that I am very good at reading signals and I have a feeling that I might just be right.

It kind of got worst during the night time when I attended their wedding dinner. I suddenly realised that I was given a seat with all strangers and at the way back of the dinner hall! Now, I do know some of their common friends and I have to say, I was very disappointed in the arrangement. Was this how a close friend is to be treated? Sigh… suffice to say, it was not a very enjoyable dinner and I had to make an excuse and left early. It is times like this that sometimes I really feel I might have expected too much and presumed too much of some of the friendships I have. Maybe we were never really close.

Anyway, I tried my hand at a close up shot of her face during the morning reception. Looking at it now, it's leaves kind of a cold impression. That seems to suit how my heart is feeling now. Good night Singapore.

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